by Bike Courier | May 7, 2014 | Posts
“Kentucky and Louisville consistently rank near the bottom on surveys that relate to active transportation like walking and cycling, so it’s no surprise that we rank near the top in obesity and heart disease.” In the city this failure is a function of policies related to vehicle speeds, land use, density, surface parking lots, public transit. Fischer has failed us....
by Bike Courier | May 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
Are surface parking interests blocking downtown redevelopment? Surface parking lots: – decrease commercial & residential densit – decrease the city’s tax base – increase MSD’s combined sewer outlet problems. – increase the urban heat island. – decrease public transit use/development. What measures can the city take to make surface parking interests – invest in parking garages? – invest in huge tree canopies over the lots? – invest in solar panel systems over the lots? – sell out to higher redevelopment uses? Image above is of the intersection of First & Main (southern blocks) – over 50% of which are both covered with surface parking...
by Bike Courier | May 2, 2014 | Posts
Ontario commits $25 million for cycling infrastructure. Louisville committed how much? OK, time for a Mayor Rob Ford / Mayor Greg Fischer joke. Actually, Ford is out of Toronto....
by Bike Courier | Apr 28, 2014 | Posts
Wonder if KY Derby Festival will support Twenty is Plenty, Louisville – 20mph to make next year’s event safer? Watching motorists passing novice cyclists at 35 mph on Market Street was anxiety producing. Watching motorists cut off cyclists was worse. Twenty is Plenty....
by Bike Courier | Apr 28, 2014 | Posts
Main stream media is finally catching on that people want to live in cities that are focused on people, not cars! ‘… the most popular cities … model mixed-use development and pedestrian-friendly spaces.”These places seem to be built for people, not for automobiles.” ‘ Louisville is in the bottom third of the long, long list of US cities....