Revitalizing Downtown

On the way to the Frazier History Museum to sit in on the ‘Jump-Start Downtown’ program, I admired the beauty of several blocks of Main Street. I thought of equally pleasant blocks along Fourth Street, and blocks along Market Street in NULU. I then...

Mayoral Candidates & LLUTRAIN

LLUTRAIN – Louisville Land Use and Transportation Initiative – A citizens’ group supporting public transit and engaging mayoral candidates and government (Metro/KY) TARC, Metro and mayoral candidates have yet to present a vision and supportive plan for...

Giving up on the Mayor

22 July 2020  Honorable Greg FischerMayor of LouisvilleCity HallFifth & JeffersonLouisville KY 40202 Dear Mayor Fischer:           This is the twentieth month of “The Mayor’s” Monthly Earth Day Initiative....