by Bike Courier | Apr 28, 2014 | Posts
Wonder if KY Derby Festival will support Twenty is Plenty, Louisville – 20mph to make next year’s event safer? Watching motorists passing novice cyclists at 35 mph on Market Street was anxiety producing. Watching motorists cut off cyclists was worse. ...
by Bike Courier | Apr 28, 2014 | Posts
Main stream media is finally catching on that people want to live in cities that are focused on people, not cars! ‘… the most popular cities … model mixed-use development and pedestrian-friendly spaces.”These places seem to be built for people,...
by Bike Courier | Apr 17, 2014 | Posts
“Levels of obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes are lower in cities where a higher percentage of commuters bicycle or walk to work, and cities where drivers get used to sharing the road with bikers and walkers generally have lower rates of pedestrian and...
by Bike Courier | Apr 3, 2014 | Posts
“It (cycling) works here,” says cyclist and pedicabbie Austin Matherne. “Also, the way that downtown is set up, all the entertainment districts are so close together that it really is a viable transportation option for us.” Density – the...