by Bike Courier | Feb 17, 2014 | Advocacy
Louisville’s fork in the road… Density vs parking, Pedestrians/public transit/cyclists vs cars, Sustainable neighborhoods vs 1950’s planning. Clifton, like Cherokee Triangle, is wrestling with the question of sustainability. As long as we continue to...
by Bike Courier | Feb 13, 2014 | Posts
Once again, with a mouth full of words about our local economy, Greg Fischer gives our tax dollars to out-of-town (out-of-touch) consultants. This latest design consultant proposes we erect a costly (to design/build/operate/maintain) ferris wheel on the Riverwalk when...
by Bike Courier | Feb 11, 2014 | Posts
Mayor Greg Fischer!! According to Metro Public Works, Louisville has 3047 lane miles of road. Greg Fischer has touted 28 lane miles, costing $300,000 for bike lane stripping as “major evidence of sustainability”. On a road percentage basis that’s...