by cbdcourier-107 | Jul 13, 2017 | Advocacy, Uncategorized
How do you get the city to take action on LMPD’s impound lot? .1. call the community together .2. get organizations, citizen leaders and businesses to sign on to a Resolution .3. present the Resolution to the mayor and police chief Initial yield? The city tested...
by cbdcourier-107 | Jun 19, 2017 | Advocacy
Resolution on Reforming Metro Louisville Impound Lot – 23 June 2017 The following Resolution, which was presented to our Police Chief and Mayor on 23 June 2017, will continue in circulation to collect more business, organizational and community leader signatures....
by cbdcourier-107 | Jun 15, 2017 | Advocacy
On May the 21st the Courier-Journal published an article by Jeff Watkins, News Editor, addressing climate change from a perspective of personal, individual responsibility. Jeff ended his article with: “If pointing the finger of blame will help, I’ll take...
by cbdcourier-107 | May 16, 2017 | Advocacy
Louisville is about to launch a great bike share program. As we turn loose novice cyclists on our urban streets we need to remember that Louisville established in 2016 new records in traffic deaths and pedestrian deaths. The danger of urban streets is the velocity of...