Debris from wreck headed to your water supply

Debris from wreck headed to your water supply

This debris is from a wreck which occurred two weeks ago on Broadway. It is headed to your water supply. No, make that Evansville’s water supply. It will first go thru the metal grates and into the sewer system. MSD will have to filter and pump it out, then...
Record Heat – Year Three

Record Heat – Year Three

Hottest years: 1998, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016. Walk, bike, bus.  Explore the ethics of transportation choices. Earth has been under assault for 100 years. And as the assault accelerates, government refuses to pursue peace, justice and a stable Earth. Demanding...
Louisville Traffic – Out of Control

Louisville Traffic – Out of Control

Sunday – two pedestrians killed, seven sent to hospital. Monday – three year old killed on Broadway. Tuesday – nine year old on Broadway thrown 50 feet and sent to hospital with brain damage. Wednesday – the attached foolishness on Broadway....